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Robins (Reception)

Welcome to Robins! 

Robins is the reception class at Smannell and Enham C of E Primary School. The objective of our Early Years Team is to create an exciting and effective environment for children and we believe a child-led approach, combined with some focussed, adult-led teaching is the best means to achieve this. Through creating positive relationships, we support and stimulate the children to help them embed and make their learning more meaningful. In our experience, children who have started their learning journey in this way are more independent, resilient, motivated and effective learners.

Miss Charles is our teacher in Robins. Mrs Collins and Mrs Smith are our LSAs.


PE is taught on a Monday and Thursday.  We kindly ask that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed or taped on these days.


Every Thursday morning we take our learning outdoors.  We ask that children come to school in their outdoor trousers and bring their uniform to change into later.


Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear in school for these days.

Our learning this half term is called 'Amazing Arctic'. We will be learning all about Inuits and looking at the country Greenland. We will be exploring how Inuits live - the traditions they have, the food they eat and where they live. We will also be celebrating Chinese New Year and comparing this to our New Year Celebrations. 



Useful websites


Explore using our new phonic sounds and recap those previously learned at



Log in and practice your phonics and help your monster to rebuild it's space ship on Teach Your Monster to Read our school star code is 1091850 and the username is your child's first name.



Oxford owl is a great website where you can access online phonic books.  Please select level 1, 1+ or level 2 books for your child.  We have a class login for this.  Our username is robins12345 and the password is book.



Topmarks is a great site for free games to support maths and literacy.  The maths games are especially engaging and the children have played them many times before on our class tablets.  This site is free and can be accessed here.  Click on 'learning games' tab at the top of the page and select age appropriate games.


